Jimmy J. Jazz: Facecömic - "slightly
disturbed blog"
Coming public appearances
Not anything at the moment. Invite me via Facebook or via Twitter or via Google+!
Past public appearances
Aalto Design Factory, Betonimiehenkuja 5, Espoo, Finland on Saturday 11.6.2011 11 a.m. -
12 p.m.: "Facecömic: Kokeile oman blogin tekemistä sarjakuvalla! -työpaja"
work shop at "Engine Room".
Read my SomeTime2011 Invitation and my Facecömic
Work Shop Invitation! Read Jimmy J.
Jazz - Facecömic: SomeTime2011: Facecömic Work Shop comic blogs made by participants.
Newest Facecömic
42. Jimmy J. Jazz - The answer to the ultimate question of life, the
Universe, and everything (the 29th of August, 2012)

(c) Jimmy J. Jazz 2011-2012
Static address to the newest release of Facecömic
You can read the newest release of Facecömic from here. You can
also put the static address of the newest release http://www.jjazz.com/facecomic.jpg to your
Intranet, and its' content will change every week.
Write a comment to Facecömic
You can write a comment to Facecömic in http://facecomic.blogspot.com .
Facecömic publishing schedule
"Wednesday is the best day, because then comes - Jimmy J.
Read the newest weekly Facecömic from:
- my Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/jimmyjjazz/ ,
and if you add me as your Facebook friend, you will also see newest releases automatically
from your "News Feed" and you will be free to comment!
- my Twitter page http://twitter.com/jimmyjjazz/ , and if you
start following me on Twitter, you will also see newest releases automatically from your
"Home" and you will be free to comment!
- my Google+ page http://gplus.to/jimmyjjazz/
, and if you add me to your Circle, you will also see newest releases automatically from
your account and you will be free to comment!
- my Blog page http://facecomic.blogspot.com/
, and if you start following me on Blogspot, you will also see newest releases
automatically from your account and you will be free to comment!
Facecömic publishing history
The drawing number of Facecömic, author, strip name and reverse
order by publishing date (differs from original drawing date) - newest one is bolded:
- 42. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: The answer
to the ultimate question of life, the Universe, and everything (the 29th of August, 2012)
- 41. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: Things that got
broken within one month (the 22nd of August, 2012)
- 40. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: Why do women go
together to the ladies' room? (the 19th of June, 2012)
- 39. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: My best gigs (the
17th of May, 2012)
- 38. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: Of Human Spotting
(the 20th of April, 2012)
- 37. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: The Sun and the
Rain (the 3rd of April, 2012)
- 36. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: Baby Social Media
pages (the 13th of March, 2012)
- 35. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: What happened to
Corto Maltese? (the 5th of March, 2012)
- 34. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: SoMe incomes (the
24th of February, 2012)
- 33. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: Cleaning is
unnecessary (the 17th of February, 2012)
- 31. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: Drowning by Numbers
(the 1st of February, 2012)
- 30. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: Netti-ilta #a2ilta
(the 20th of January, 2012)
- 28. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: Social Media
spammers (the 4th of January, 2012)
- 50. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: SoMe Christmas
Things (the 23th of December, 2011)
- 27. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: meets ZZ Top part 2
(the 9th of December, 2011)
- 26. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: meets ZZ Top part 1
(the 2nd of December, 2011)
- 25. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: Google Street View
(the 25th of November, 2011)
- 24. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: Childhood's End?
(the 19th of November, 2011)
- 58. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: Unthink (the 8th of
November, 2011)
- 23. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: When we were young
(the 5th of Novermber, 2011)
- 22. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: Machine language
translations (the 20th of October, 2011)
- 21. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: Some SoMe friends
(the 7th of October, 2011)
- 20. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: Face regocnition
(the 30th of Septermber, 2011)
- 19. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: Ilmo and a rival
(the 21st of September, 2011)
- 18. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: Ilmo and Civil War
(the 7th of September, 2011)
- 17. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: Emil and Civil War
2 of 2 (the 24th of August, 2011)
- 16. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: Emil and Civil War
1 of 2 (the 17th of August, 2011)
- 55. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: Google+ (the 3rd of
July, 2011)
- 54. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: SomeTime2011
Facecömic Work Shop (the 11th of June, 2011)
- 53. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: SomeTime2011 first
day (the 10th of June, 2011)
- 47. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: Facecömic Work
Shop Invitation (the 2nd of June, 2011)
- 29. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: Under construction
(the 25th of May, 2011)
- 44. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: SomeTime2011
Invitation (the 19th of May, 2011)
- 15. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: Emil and October
Revolution (the 18th of May, 2011)
- 13. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: Because you're
unique (the 11th of May, 2011)
- 12. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: Facebook vs.
Twitter vs. LinkedIn (the 4th of May, 2011)
- 11. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: Young people and
their information in Internet (the 27th of April, 2011)
- 32. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: SoMe Easter
Creatures (the 20th of April, 2011)
- 10. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: Internet is the
supermassive black hole (the 13th of April, 2011)
- 9. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: sales@ vs. support@
(the 6th of April, 2011)
- 8. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: Books, comics and
movies are parallel universe (the 30th of March, 2011)
- 7. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: Lotto winning is
government conspiracy (the 23th of March, 2011)
- 6. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: FidoNet messaging vs.
Internet e-mail (the 16th of March, 2011)
- 5. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: Speak to me of summer
(the 9th of March, 2011)
- 14. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: Jimmy Maltese and
Corto Jazz (the 2nd of March, 2011)
- 4. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: <3 snow (the 23th
of February, 2011)
- 3. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: Reply vs. Reply all
(the 18th of February, 2011)
- 2. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: Social Media and
friend requests (the 11th of February, 2011)
- 1. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: Garf (the 5th of
February, 2011)
Facecömic drawing tools
I use the following drawing tools for Facecömic:
- paper: normal copy/print laser paper 80 g/m2
- pens: Ballograf and some colour pens.
Jimmy J. Jazz drawing history
I haven't been drawing anything in my entire life so far. Really.
I started drawing on 5th of February 2011 for the party, where I
showed my first Facecömic. I don't know what happened, but two weeks later I had drawn 12
more, and I was still full of new ideas.
My aim is to draw 52 strips and publish them as a paper album.
What is Facecömic?
Facecömic is comics blog, which is published weekly on Wednesdays.
Questions and answers
Q: Why aren't you using any real artist tools?
A: Because I am not a real artist.
Q: Do you use scanned pictures?
A: No, I draw each picture by hand individually. There are no
scanned pictures, and there will not be!
Q: Do you draw through?
A: No, but I am usually having a model on the screen, and I draw on
free hand.
Q: Why is your handwriting so awful?
A: I have written everything outside school using computer keyboard
since I was 13. Dig it?
Facecömic <> Facecomic
This site is purely of Facecömic. There might also be a Facecomic,
but I have nothing to do with it. Beware of the fake Facecömics!
Reader commens
The readers have said:
- Olli "Amigo" V.: "Slightly disturbed."
- Samuli "Muli" M.: "Please continue, I want to read
What do you say?
Contact information
If you want to book me for public appearances, like for instance for
workshop or for panel discussion or make an interview of me, I'm free to come and I won't
charge you anything as long as we are in Helsinki, Espoo or Vantaa. Contact me via Facebook or via Twitter or via Google+. I do not have time to
travel to other parts of Finland or to foreign countries.
Keywords: Facecömic, Internet comic, Internet comics, Web comic,
Web comics, blog