28. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: Social Media spammers (the 4th of January, 2012)
(c) Jimmy J. Jazz 2011-I have SoMe friends, who publish exactly the same content to different Social Medias at the same time.
This really annoys me if I read their content using one media, I really wouldn't like to read the same content again.
And again
And again.
And again.
I publish regularly content to 3-4 Social Medias, but the content is different for each media, and the publishing time varies.
Facebook is for free-time activities.
Twitter is for collective opinions.
LinkedIn is for work life.
Myspace is for music.
Are you a Social Media spammer?
If so, please publish only one content to one Socual Media at a time, or I will...
#28 30.3.2011
Keywords: Social Media spammers, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Myspace