31. Jimmy J. Jazz - Facecömic: Drowning by Numbers (the 1st of February, 2012)
(c) Jimmy J. Jazz 2011-I went all my Facecömic strips through and I noticed that I have missed SoMe numbering.
The original aim was to draw 52 Facecömic strips and stop.
Same thing happened to me when I started to play drums: the original idea was to understand how Rush songs were made and stop.
Still playing after 27 years.
I do bookkeeping for my companies, so missing numbers worries me.
You are not supposed to loose numbers in professional bookkeeping.
But it looks like I do.
I think this must be because of too much stress in my life.
Almost every thing can be fixed, except people.
So I just draw and number the ones I have missed.
#31 6.11.2011
Keywords: Facecömic, numbering, aim, playing drums, Rush, bookkeeping, stress